Online enquiry forms are a staple component of a large proportion of websites these days. It’s a wonder then that there appear to be so few quality form generators available.
Luckily, the FormForAll form maker has a few surprises up its sleeve.
The key to FormForAll’s success is the intuitive nature of many of its features. It’s easy to implement and simple for the end user as well. The most obvious example of this is its drag and drop interface – a real bonus if speed is of the essence.
Another real bonus is the social login feature. Given the number of people who have Facebook or Google accounts, this is sure to be extremely popular. Customization is also an important part of the attraction of this solution – you can select your font, colour, background colour and upload your logo to really stamp your corporate identity on your B2C communications.
See for more details on all these options.
One other great characteristic of this particular package is that the creators of Drupal-based websites aren’t neglected either. If you’d like to see the options open to other CMS-based sites, is a good place to start.