On the look out for ladies’ shoes? The Modatoi website boasts a huge selection of shoes – all in the one place.
Platform shoes are nothing if not showy and this year’s selection is proving no exception. What’s interesting about this latest development in the platform shoe saga is its genuinely innovative nature. Rather than just going for sheer height, above all, people want to play around with form. We’re a far cry from Bowie-style platforms here, this is something altogether more subtle. Just as adventurous are the women’s boots up for grabs. Vivid colours seem to abound, with special emphasis on different shades of red, pink, purple and blue. Another clear trend is the return of animal print and fake leather in a big way, taking your legs on a trip through the Serengeti or even up the Amazon!
What’s more, now the world of the half boot is just waiting for you. It’s often said that half boots make up in character what they lack in size! That’s certainly the case with this year’s looks, which combine brash colour and quirky little style details such as death’s head motifs in rhinestones.